Monday, January 23, 2006

《COMPUTER NETWORKING-A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet》读书笔 记(一)

Computer Networks and the Internet
1. What Is the Internet?
1.1 A Nets-and-Bolts Description

从组成角度解释,Nuts-and-Bolts是螺帽和螺钉的意思。End systems,就是host主机。
1.2 A Service Description
1.3 What Is a Protocol?
类比人来给出协议的定义: A protocol defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message or other event.
2. The Network Edge
2.1 End System, Clients, and Servers

2.2 Connectionless and Connection-Oriented Service
无连接的和面向连接的服务,UDP & TCP
3. The Network Core
3.1 Circuit Switching and Packet Switching

3.2 Packet-Switched Networks: Datagram Networks and Virtual-Circuit Networks
4. Access Networks and Physical Media
4.1 Access Networks

Residential access (DSL & HFC), Company access, Wireless access
4.2 Physical Media
5. ISPs and Internet Backbones
6. Delay and Loss in Packet-Switched Networks
6.1 Types of Delay

Processing Delay, Queuing Delay, Transmission Delay, Propagation Delay;Transmission传输延迟 vs Propagation Delay传播延迟,收费站的类比,Dt是分组长度和传输率的函数,Dp是距离和传播速率的函数。
6.2 Queuing Delay and Packet Loss
6.3 Delay and Routes in the Internet
7. Protocol Layers and Their Service Models
7.1 Layered Architecture

Application Layer, Transport Layer, Network Layer, Link Layer, Physical Layer.
7.2 Layers, Messages, Segments, Datagrams (怀疑应该是Dataframes), and Frames
8. History of Computer Networking and the Internet

“The Internet and all that it enables is a vast new frontier, full of amazing challenges. There is room for great innovation. Don’t be constrained by today’s technology. Reach out and imagine what could be and then make it happen.”-Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA

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