Tuesday, December 13, 2011


十一月没有更新blog,其实写了两篇其中一篇一直在更新还没完成,另一篇发完这个就发。从十月底开始到上个月整个月一直在做我的网站,第一轮完成基本上用了40天。买了web host附带免费域名,目前已经上线:mixedkennelclub.com。上线之后一直在调试cross-browser issue,现在还在做手机版本,不过已经能见人了。等全部做好之后再放点儿广告,然后去各个论坛什么的宣传一下。简单说,这个网站就是希望提供串种狗的信息。但是这些信息是由用户来积累的,有点儿像wiki。所以前期最大的挑战在于怎么能让更多用户来登记他们的串串狗。

做这个网站的起因是,在这之前在研究东西打算和领导以及领导前老板老两口startup,后来发现主要问题已经超出我的能力范围了;然后和sunxiny聊天,他说他做的windows app一个月赚不少(不透露隐私了)。于是我就放下手头的东西,想到了这个idea,不过做网站可能比做app更适合。我承认我的出发点是想赚点外快,不过想到这个idea之后真心觉得如果能提供有用的信息的话我会更高兴,假如放点儿广告再有点儿收入当然更好,不过目的已经不是想赚钱了。

然后就开始研究怎么做。我已经做过静态网页,比如我姨公司的网站我自己的academic主页,但是动态网页从来没试过。首先这个网站必然需要数据库,所以先设计数据库;这个还有点儿印象,再加上数据库出身的ulyssess,jiyi以及BB同学的指点,数据库算是设计好了。然后找了一本书,Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL(用学校图书馆帐号可以在线阅读),跟着这本书入门了PHP和MySQL。我的工作环境是领导淘汰的MacBook,所以就是MAMP(Mac+Apache+MySQL+PHP);我发现Mac真的既适合工作也适合娱乐(于是我决定过了2012就去买iMac)。JavaScript必然少不了,后来发现jQuery巨好使,同时还用了AJAX和几个jQuery的Plugin。做网站过程中有问题就去StackOverflow问,人气巨旺,牛人也很多,问一个问题三分钟之内肯定有回答。



另外,做完这个网站我又想做Android App了,已经有了三个idea。不过还是打算先把proposal examine(应该相当于国内的开题报告)过了再搞~

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Creation of MixedKennelClub - the Construction

Presenting the following information in a list format makes it more readable and allows me the flexibility of continuing to add new things until it is finished.
  • Although I have majored in computer science and even specialize in networking, I am not familiar with web development. After some initial research, AMP (Apache + MySQL + PHP) was a no-brainer; and I decided to use the MacBook abandoned by my wife instead of Windows for development.
  • I searched resources and found "Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL, Fourth Edition" by Kevin Yank that is serving me as a tutorial. I have taken database courses and learned about SQL, but I hadn't played with MySQL. Also, I knew what PHP is but I had never played with it. I have some basic knowledge on HTML and CSS which is also helpful on this project.
  • Database design is an important part of my project. I designed the relational database, and asked my friend working in Facebook to have a look. Based on his suggestions and my own ideas coming from his suggestions, I made further improvements on it.
  • The framework of the information on the website would be providing a pure breed name list. Then the user will be able to select two different breeds to find the information of the target mixed breed, or add a "card" of their dog for the mixed breed. The "card" will contain some dog information, and more importantly, the card originator will describe their dog's appearance and temperament, respectively, like a "tag", so that each mixed breed would have a tag-cloud.
  • StackOverflow is a wonderful website for learning and asking questions as you go. All of my questions have been answered within a period of short time, and most of the answers are helpful. And two times when I was typing the question, I figured out the solution by getting my ideas outside my head and organizing them for presentation to someone else. This is one of the amazing powers of writing down your thought or telling someone your thoughts. Once you get them where, you can see them more clearly and you can then sometimes see the flows or holes in your thinking and connections of ideas.
  • My wife helped me collect information on pure-breed dogs from Wikipedia. I created the dogbreed database table and recorded this information. I finished the page showing the list of pure breed dogs. Also, I finished the page presenting the information on individual dogs. Art design is pending, and might be my wife's job (I will take care of CSS, for sure). Some functions/features are already implemented:
    • Popup frame for individual pure breed dog information. I prefer popup frame rather than a new page, because my focus is on mixed breed dog, so very little information is provided.
    • Using AJAX to implement search word hint.
    • Search.
    • I am thinking about Metro-style display for pure breed dogs.
  • I finished the user registration and login pages and function (but had trouble with PHP session). I was originally afraid user registration would become an obstacle to the website. However, I need the function of editing mixed breed card for users. It can't be a wiki-like that everyone can edit, as only the owners of the dog will have the privilege to do that. Thus each mixed breed card requires a password and functions so the user registration and login were eliminated.
  • I created a page called mixer so the user can choose two breeds. Also it can be chosen from a pure breed dog page whenthat one of the parents is selected. I provided two options for user to select pure breed: type-in like search, and select from the combo box.
    • (for geek) I used global variable to load the data upon loading the window, which I know is bad. Then I decided to load the data to the combo box upon loading the window and discard the global variable; and also I synchronized the input box and the combo box using JavaScript.
    • A default breed image. LOL!
    • I created the mixcard database table, created the form and function to add a card, and the page to show the cards.
    • Tag is pending.
  • Yesterday, I read the Google style guide for C++ and JavaScript (there is no guide for PHP and HTML, though). I really enjoyed reading them because I have such OCD. Then I updated the entire project following these instructions from Google (which is also the reason I discarded the global variable).
  • If I update my resume, I think I can update "knowledgeable on PHP, MySQL, HTML" to "familiar with PHP, MySQL, HTML", after 10 days of working with them. I am still not very familiar with JavaScript, since I have not used it a lot.
  • Nov.7. I wrote the blog (yet to publish) to catch it up with all I have done in the 10 days. And I will keep updating it.
    • I finished adding and editing basic cards, but there are still some bugs.
  • Nov.8.
    • I worked on adding and editing cards, fixing bugs.
    • I added the fade-in and out prompt feature. 
    • This is also the first time I learned about Post-Redirect-Get pattern, but didn't have to use it in my website, yet.
  • Nov.9. I created the database table cardcomment, and begin to add the commenting feature. I learned that AJAX is a preference, but I am not sure whether implement it from the beginning, or to implement a simple one and improve upon it.
  • Nov.10. I finally figured out what AJAX is and how it works. The comment system is basically finished. I can now start to do some low-tech things, such as picking and downloading pure breed dog pictures.
  • Nov.11. I proceseds dog breed pictures.
  • Nov.12. The pure breed list is updated, using animation of jQuery. I find jQuery is very useful, and I have started to substitute all JavaScript function over to jQuery.
  • Nov.13. jQuery to mixbreed pages.
  • Nov.15. I updated the comment system. I am really having trouble figuring out the bug from jQuery and CSS. I also started to work on the picture uploading part.
  • Nov.16. I worked on picture uploading. I changed the method for inputting the password and edit/upload.
  • Nov.17. I finished the picture upload/edit/delete, caption edit. I started to work on tags, using jQuery plugin "tag-it", which is easy to integrate.
  • Nov. 18. I created the database table dogtag and tagcard. I finished adding and editing the tag. With the help of jQCloud, the display of tag cloud is finished in 30 minutes. OMG, jQuery is so useful! All the basic functions are done! And... Let's Now - start the art part!
  • Nov. 19 - 22. I designed and implemented the frontpage, under 960 Grid System, using various tools like OmniGraffle, InkScape, GIMP. GIMP is really user-unfriendly, and in my opinion cannot compete with PhotoShop.
  • Nov. 23 - 24. I updated the pure breed list using jQuery UI tabs. The pure breed page is finished.
  • Nov. 25 - 26. I updated the mixer with new CSS, and made a navigator panel. The mixer page is finished. I updated the mixed breed page, and redesigned the layout.
  • Nov. 27. I utilized jQuery UI tabs for each mixed breed card. I redesigned the add card form, which is now finished.
  • Nov. 28. I updated the comment tab, which is now finished. I updated the picture tab, using jQuery gallery plugin.
  • Nov. 29. I fixed the picture align bug. I updated the edit form, then merged it with the add form.
  • Nov. 30-Dec. 2. I finished the basic add/edit form. I updated the picture add/edit form.
  • Dec. 5. I updated the mix card, which stores the dog's birth year and month instead of its current age. I finished the mixed breed page. I staredt and finished the feedback page, but the mailing function was not working, I need to try again when I get the web host. I started the about us page and is finished.
So, the first round, or say, the alpha, MixedKennelClub is finished!
  • Dec. 6. I bought the web host with the free mixedkennelclub.com doman name from Bluehost for $60 a year. There was a four-hour outage and I didn't do any other thing.
  • Dec. 7-9. I realized the cross-system, cross-browser issues. So I used W3C validator to check the page, and started to fixed cross-browser bugs. I always thought IE7+ was not that bad when using them, but now I totally understood why IE is said to be crap. Many basic standards are not supported, so it costs a great effort for web designers to compromise IE. I have latest Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE9, Firefox 3.6 (last version before the big improvement from 4, still have 5.6% market share) installed on my Windows 7 computer, and I also tested IE8 on my wife's Windows XP computer. After I have done cross-browser configuration, I rank these browsers as: Chrome=Safari>Firefox 8=Opera>IE9>Firefox 3.6>IE8>>>IE6.
  • Dec. 12-15. I started to create the mobile version site. I resized images, removed some fancy feature, and the gallery plugin.
  • Dec. 16. I finished mobile version design: m.mixedkennelclub.com. I also applied for ad posting, waiting for response.
And so, the second round, beta MixedKennelClub is finished!

Monday, November 07, 2011

The Creation of MixedKennelClub - the Idea

Today is November 7th, 2011. It has been 10 days since I started to create my website. Today I decided to record this process. I will post this blog after I launch the website. I am writing in English because I will also post in English on the website.

Ten days ago, I was working on another startup project, which my wife, her retired boss and husband (who are also my friends) will collaborate to create. And I was, of course, taking care of the IT part. Basically, I wanted to use JavaScript and HTML5 canvas to process an image automatically, which will be further transferred to product for sale. But after I had worked for days on it, I felt the potential for automatic processing had come to a dead end, and that manual processing would be inevitable.

Then I chatted with a college classmate online, who told me that he had developed a Windows Phone App and earned $120 per month from it. In a previous conversation with him, I said I wanted to develop an Android App but I couldn't come up with any sound app idea. Well, he did, and I am happy for him that he is even making money from it.

This inspired me, or more accurately, stimulated me. I talked to my wife and felt that the current project between us and our friends was beyond my current capability, and I first need to work on a simpler project, in which earning money is not priority. Therefore, I dropped the project with my wife and our friends, which is still possible but the part, involving transferring from one medium to the product, is no longer my responsibility.

Time for more brainstorming on what this simpler project might be through which I can learn. Fortunately, my new idea came within hours. With this new idea, I believe a website instead of a mobile phone app is more suitable. The mobile app can be an extension after the website is functioning. Keeping in mind that making money is not my goal for this project, I really wanted to create something useful; and I will also put some ads on it to hopefully compensate me for the expense of web hosting. I searched the Internet and did not find a similar website. Even if there had been a similar website, I think the project is still doable. Therefore, I made up my mind to create this website. By the way, I am currently in the final year of my PhD program. Since I have also made up my mind to leave academia, creating this website will be definitely helpful for my industrial professional career.

My goal is clear and simple: to provide information about mixed breed dogs. Of course, my lovely Shiba Inu cross Havanese named Ichiro inspired me. There is a ton of information on pure breed dogs, and many organizations representing pure breed dogs such as FCI, AKC, CKC, KC, etc. There is a lot less information on mixed breed dogs. One site, www.dogbreedinfo.com provides a list of mixed breed dogs, but it is not complete (there is no Shiba Inu cross Havanese) and it is Web 1.0. This of course means there is no way I can add my Ichiro's cross breed of Shiba Inu cross Havanese to it. This inspired me to create a UGC (user-generated content) Web 2.0 (oh gosh, geek comes!). Okay in plain English: I want everyone who has a mixed breed dog to put their dog on the site and then to give some information, and share their thoughts. My motivation is to provide anyone wanting to become the owner of a mixed breed dog to have a place to go to learn about the types of mixed breed dogs they are considering, even as they could do for a pure breed dog. I want everyone to have a place to go that provides them with the research they need for them to make an informed choice before getting a mixed breed dog. This will allow them to be better prepared to understand and love their future baby.

My website's name: MixedKennelClub.

Sunday, October 30, 2011




网上搜的话有好几个攻略,里面有酒店的分级,我基本上是按分十级的那个攻略和综合其他几个过的第一轮。虽说那个分级比较老了,但是基本上和现在应该差别不大。我去了每一个酒店的官网,查一晚价格。以下是第一轮,可供参考,价格可能有差异。黑体字好像是另外一个攻略的资料(忘了。。。)。两个价格分别是沙屋和水屋的价格,BB只包早餐,HB是half board包早餐和晚餐,FB是full board包三餐,All-Inclusive就是所有免费吃喝。前两级太贵全淘汰,三四级也大都太贵淘汰,八九级感觉太差基本都淘汰,其他没有官网的都淘汰,没有沙屋的淘汰。另外这两个网址:http://www.maldives8.com/ditu.htm(中文) http://www.mal-dives.com/maldives/holidays/resorts/maldives_resort_location_map.php(英文)很有用,基本上可以大概了解一下每个岛的地理位置和酒店情况。

第一级(超奢华岛6个):Huvafen Fushi、Soneva Gili、One&Only Reethi Rah、Dhoni Mighili、Cocoa、Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru
1. 芙花芬岛 Huvafen Fushi
2. 索尼娃姬莉岛Soneva Gili
3.One&Only Reethi Rah
4. 多尼蜜姬莉岛Dhoni Mighili
5.可可亚岛 Cocoa Island
$780-1260(都是水上屋),HB$100, FB$140 每人每天
6. 四季酒店 Landaa Giraavaru

第二级(奢华岛9个):Coco Plam Dhuni Kolhu、Soneva Fushi、One&Only Kanuhara、W Retreat&Spa、Taj Exotica、Hilton、Island Hideaway Dhonakulhi、Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa、Naladhu
7. Coco Plam Dhuni Kolhu
$460/926, L$44, D$67, Plane $320
8. Soneva Fushi Resort
9. One&Only Kanuhura
无官网,from $239/366
10.W宁静岛 W Retreat & Spa
官网无价格,from $449/661
11.泰姬魅力岛Taj Exotica
$900-1350,Stay 3 get 1,Honeymoon offer,国人多
12.希尔顿-伊露岛 Hilton Irufushi
属于5星岛,距离机场91公里 水上飞机45分钟 餐标BB
13.神仙珊瑚岛 Island Hideaway at Dhonakulhi
14.四季酒店 Kuda Huraa
$900/1100 房子大供三人
15.娜拉杜岛 Naladhu Maldives
$1250,HB $125 每人每天

第三级(豪华岛5个):Medhufushi、Anantara、Banyan Tree、Baros、Mirihi
16.安娜塔拉-笛古岛 Anantara Dhigu
属于5星岛,距离机场22公里 豪华快艇35分钟 餐标BB
$566.25/735 (Stay 4 pay 3),wedding $1980, HB $75
17.悦榕庄-瓦宾法鲁 Vabbinfaru
18. Baros
25min boat, FB
19. 曼德芙岛 Medhufushi
属于5星岛,距离机场142公里 水上飞机40分钟 餐标HB
20.蜜莉喜岛Mirihi Island Resort
属于5星岛,距离机场101公里 水上飞机30分钟 餐标HB(early bird)

第四级(5个):Royal、Angsana、Hakuraa Club、Nika、Vilu Reef
21. 皇家岛度假酒店 Royal Island Resort&Spa
22.伊瑚鲁岛 Angsana Ihuru
23. Hakuraa Club
24. Nika
25. Vilu Reef
$260/$480, +$35 Dinner
seaplane $350 per
第五级(13个):Sun、Club Med Kani、Angaga、Taj Coral Reef、Plam Beach、Meedhupparu、Filitheyo、Dhidhoo Finolhu Water Village、Kuramathi Blue、Kihaad、Kurumba、Makunudu、Moofushi
26.卡尼岛 Clubmed Kani
27.安嘎嘎岛 Angaga Island
该岛为4星岛。距离机场85公里,水上飞机约30分钟 餐标HB
28.泰姬珊瑚岛Taj Coral Reef Resort
该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场36公里 豪华快艇60分钟 BB
29. Plam Beach
30. Dhidhoo Finolhu Water Village
31. Kihaad
32.椰子岛 Kurumba
33. Makunudu
34. Sun Island
$282/394 (BB) $290/403(HB) $321/434(FB)  沙滩屋已满
seaplane $319, seaboat $185
35. Meedhupparu
136km, 45min seaplane
$248/742 (all-inclusive)
36.菲莉兹尤岛 Filitheyo
该岛为4星岛。距离机场118公里 水上飞机35分钟 餐标HB
37.库拉玛提岛 Kuramathi Island
属于5星岛,距离机场70公里,水上飞机约20分钟 餐标FB
$321/626,seaplane $250
38. Moofushi
$603/674 (all-inclusive)

第六级(16个):Paradise、Full Moon、Vadoo、Olhuveli、Bodu Huraa、Gangehi、Komandhoo、Kudarah、Kuramathi Cottage、Kuredu Island、Thudufushi Island、Maafushi Varu、Maayafushi Island、Mahureva、Reethi Beach、Vilamendhoo Island

39.天堂岛 Paradise Island
属于5星岛,距离机场13公里 豪华快艇20分钟 餐标需要和代理再联系
40. Bodu Huraa
41. Gangehi
42. Kudarah
43. Kuramathi Cottage
44. Kuredu Island
$?/510 (HB, min 6 nights)
45. Thudufushi Island
46. Maafushi Varu
47. Maayafushi Island
48. Mahureva
49. Reethi Beach
50.维拉曼都岛 Vilamendhoo Island Resort
该岛为3星岛。距离机场82公里,水上飞机约25分钟 餐标HB
$255/500 最少6晚
51.满月岛 FullMoon Resort
属于5星岛,距离机场9公里 豪华快艇15分钟 餐标BB
52.瓦杜岛 Adaaran Vadoo
属于5星岛,距离机场8公里 豪华快艇15分钟 餐标BB
53.双鱼岛 Olhuveli
属于5星岛,距离机场36公里 豪华快艇50分钟
$275/430+L30+D35per, $199seaboat
54. Komandhoo
130km, 40min seaplane
$305/580(BB), $365/640(HB)

第七级(12个):Bolifushi、Lily Beach、Laguna、Meeru、Club Rannalhi、Dhiggiri Tourist、Thulhagiri、White Sand、Athuruga、Bandos、Madoogali Tourist、Vakarufalhi Island。
55. Bolifushi
属于5星岛,距离机场86公里 水上飞机25分钟 餐标一价全包
57. Laguna
58.绚丽岛 Club Rannalhi
该岛为4星岛。距离机场34公里 豪华快艇45分钟 餐标HB(高级房为FB)
59. Dhiggiri Tourist
60. 蓝色美人蕉 Thulhagiri
该岛为3星岛。距离机场15公里 豪华快艇25分钟 餐标HB
61. White Sand
62. Athuruga
Euro 560/838
63.班度士岛 Bandos
该岛为4星岛。距离机场10公里 豪华快艇20分钟 餐标BB
64. Madoogali
65. Vakarufalhi Island
66. Meeru
$?/520 (FB),$120 boat

第八级(9个):Biyadhoo、Club Faru、Ellaidhoo、Eriyadu、Halaveli Holiday、Helengeli Tourist、Holiday、Kuramathi Village、Velidhu Island
67. Biyadhoo
68. Club Faru
69. Ellaidhoo
70. Eriyadu
71.哈拉微利岛 Halaveli Resort
$743/594 (水上屋更便宜), $108 Dinner per
72. Helengeli Tourist
73.假日珊瑚岛 Holiday Island
74. Kuramathi Village
75. Velidhu Island

第九级(7个):Alimatha Acquatic、Dhonveli Beach、Equator、Ranveli Village、Rihiveli Beach、Velavaru Tourist、Veligandu Island
76. Alimatha Acquatic
77.梦幻岛 Dhonveli
该岛为4星岛。距离机场18公里 豪华快艇30分钟 餐标HB
78. Equator
79. Ranveli Village
80. Rihiveli Beach
81.薇拉瓦鲁岛 Angsana Velavaru
属于5星岛,距离机场142公里 水上飞机45分钟 餐标BB
82.薇莉橄杜岛 Veligandu
属于5星岛,距离机场56公里 水上飞机15分钟 餐标需要和代理再联系
$545 (FB,一个价),$260 seaplane

第十级(8个):Giravaru、Embudu、Lohifushi、Fun、Asdu Sun、Summer Island、Bathala、Fihalhohi Tourist
83. Giravaru
84. Lohifushi
85. Fun
86. Asdu Sun
87. Summer Island
88. Bathala
89. Embudu
$234/312, $55 boat
90. Fihalhohi Tourist
$150/270 (HB), $120 boat

91. 迪瓦岛 Diva Resort and spa
属于5星岛,距离机场100公里 水上飞机30分钟 餐标HB
from $175/244
92. 薇拉莎露岛 Velassaru
属于5星岛,距离机场12公里 豪华快艇30分钟 餐标BB
$358/606,$155per allinclusive,$120 boat

一轮下来基本上不到二十个了。第一轮主要挑价格和有无官网和沙屋,第二轮挑海水环境。网上有教人用google map satellite来看环境,但是当时看的时候根本不懂,只有去过近距离感受一下之后才能大概懂得怎么靠卫星图来评价,不过还真不好讲。网上还有一个分级是按浮潜环境分ABC三级的,我也不知道原始出处是哪,所以就贴上来用了(注明互联网资料):
A 类岛: 非常适合浮潜。 珊瑚礁情况非常好
Angsana Resort & Spa Maldives Ihuru (Ihuru)
Bandos Island Resort & Spa
Banyan Tree Maldives Vabbinfaru
Bathala = Adaaran Club Bathala (Bathala)
Biyadoo Island Resort
Cinnamon Island Alidhoo
Ellaidhoo = Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo
Embudhu Village
Eriyadhu Island Resort (Eriyadhoo)
Foammulah (Fuah Mulaku, Fuvahmulah)
Funamauddua (Funamauddoo)
Helengeli Tourist Village
Kandoludu Cruise & Spa Island (Kandholhudhoo)
Kudarah Island Resort
Kurumba Village Tourist Resort
Lily Beach Resort & Spa at Huvahendhoo (Huvahendhoo)
Madoogali Island Resort
Meedhupparu = Adaaran Select Meedhupparu (Pearl Island Resort)
Mendhoo (Meyndhoo)
Royal Island (Horubadhoo, LTI Villa Royal Island)
Soneva Fushi Resort (Kunfunadhoo)
The Beach House at Manafaru Maldives
Thulhaagiri Island Resort
Twin Island (Maafushivaru)
Vilamendhoo Island Resort
W Maldives Retreat & Spa (Fesdu Fun Island) 这个岛分为A级我有疑问,在没有建造水上屋之前,珊瑚礁真的很好的,大概造的时候,开凿过于用力,打桩过多,浮浅现在只能算普通了

B类岛:可以浮潜和游泳 珊瑚礁还可以,海水平静。
Alimatha Aquatic Resort
Angaga Island Resort & Spa
Asdhu Sun Island (Asdhoo)
Athuruga Island Resort (Athurugau)
Banyan Tree Maldives Madivaru
Baros Maldives
Coco Palm Bodu Hiti (Boduhiti Coral Island, Boduhiti)
Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu (Dhunikolhu, Coco Palm)
Coco Palm Kuda Hiti (Kudahiti Tourist Resort, Kudahiti)
Dhiggiri Tourist Resort
Dhoni Mighili (Mushimasgali)
Chaaya Island Dhonveli Beach & Spa Resort (Kanu Huraa, Leisure Island)
Equator Village Gan (Ocean Reef)
Fihalhohi Tourist Resort
Filitheyo Island Resort
Full Moon Beach Resort (Furana)
Gaakoshinbi (Gakoshibi)
Gangehi Island Resort
Giravaru Tourist Resort
Constance Halaveli Resort Maldives (Halaveli Holiday Village)
Huvafen Fushi (Nakatchafushi, Nakachchaafushi)
Island Hideaway Dhonakulhi Maldives Spa & Marine
Kihaadhuffaru (Club Valtur, Kihaadhupperu)
Komandoo Island Resort (Komandhoo)
Kuramathi Tourist Resort
Kuredu Island Resort (Kureddu)
Lonudhoohuttaa (Lonudhuahutta)
Maayafushi Island Resort
Makunudhu Island (Makunudhoo)
Mirihi Island Resort
Nika Island Resort (Kudafolhudhoo)
Rania & Water Garden Island Spa = Rania Experience (Adhangau)
Rannalhi = Adaaran Club Rannalhi (Club Rannalhi)
Ranveli Village (Villingilivaru)
Reethi Beach Resort (RBR, Fonimagoodhoo)
Taj Coral Reef Resort (Hembadoo)
Thudufushi Island Resort
Vadoo Diving Paradise (Vaadhoo, Vadhu)
Vakarufalhi Island Resort
Angsana Resort & Spa Maldives Velavaru (Velavaru)
Velidhu Island = Velidhoo (Avi Island)
Villivaru Island Resort
Vilu Reef Resort (Meedhuffushi)

Anantara Boduhuraa (Boduhuraa)
Anantara Naladhu (Veliganduhuraa, Palm Tree)
Anantara Resort Maldives (Dhigufinolhu)
Club Faru (Club Med Faru, Farukolhufushi)
Cocoa Island Beach & Spa (Makunufushi)
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island (Hilton Maldives Rangali)
Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa
Four Seasons Resort Landaa Giraavaru
Fun Island Resort (Bodufinolhu, LTI Villa Fun Island)
Gasfinolhu Island Resort (Mahureva, Gashurifinolhu)
Gasveli (Dhekunuboduveli, Kudafushi)
Chaaya Lagoon Hakura Huraa
Handhufushi Resort (Herathera, Heretere)
Holiday Island (Dhifushi)
Hudhuranfushi = Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi (Lhohifushi)
Irufushi Beach ,The Beach House,Medhafushi
Kandooma Tourist Resort (Kandoomafushi)
Kanifinolhu (Club Med Kani)
Kanuhura Sun Resort & Spa (One&Only Kanuhura)
Lhossaa (Lossaa)
Medhufushi Island Resort
Meeru Island Resort (Meerufenfushi)
Moofushi Resort
Olhuveli Evason Laamu
Olhuveli Beach & Spa
One & Only Reethi Rah (Rethi Rah, Medhufinolhu)
Palm Beach Island (Madhiriguraidhoo)
Paradise Island (Lankanfinolhu)
Rihiveli Beach (Mahaana Elhi Huraa)
Shangri-La Maldives Resort & Spa Villingili (Viligili)
Soneva Gili (Hudhuveli, Lankanfushi)
Summer Island (Ziyaaraiyfushi)
Sun Island = Nalaguraidhoo (LTI Villa Sun Island)
Taj Exotica Resort (Taj Lagoon, Embudhu Finolhu)
J Resort Raalhuveli (Vashavarrehaa)
Velassaru Maldives (Laguna Beach)
Veligandu Island Resort (Veligandhoo)
Diva Maldives ( White Sands, Ari Beach, Dhidhoofinolhu)

这里说:A 类岛 非常适合浮潜,珊瑚礁情况非常好;B类岛可以浮潜和游泳,珊瑚礁还可以,海水平静;C类岛只适合休息休息,睡睡觉,看书打发时间。所以第二轮我把第一轮剩下的属于C类岛的淘汰。另外淘汰了个三星级酒店,也就是只从五星级和四星级酒店里选。第二轮结果链接(因为是spreadsheet不好贴过来所以附上链接,墙内的可能得翻墙了):https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnDu_9Rmn29idFVXb1A0UGU3X1JLOU4tQ0tMdVRSRmc



重点说水上活动。满月岛免费提供浮潜装备,但是我自己带了上次去古巴前买的呼吸管(snorkel,浮潜也叫snorkelling),没带水镜(goggle),也没有脚蹼(fin)。虽然免费但是数量有限而且限时供应,所以还是有些不太方便,心得2:有浮潜装备的最好自己带着。满月岛浮潜环境被归为B级,但是我下水看没有我想象的好,死珊瑚很多,鱼不少,岛南边有防浪堤所以水很平静,岛北边水屋直接下水的地方浪稍微有些大,心得3:穿上救生衣有好处,一安全,二省力,三防晒。酒店提供出海去环境更好的地方浮潜,一人一次50刀,坐一个很有特色的船往东南方向开了15分钟,到了ms是椰子岛(Kurumba)附近。那里有所谓的reef,就是海水下面突然一个深不见底的大峭壁,这就是为什么有的地方从地图上看从浅蓝突然变成深蓝。这里的珊瑚和鱼都多很多很多,可惜水下相机前一天挂了没照成照片,网上应该会有更漂亮的照片可以参考。在那里沿着峭壁边浮潜一个小时坐船回酒店岛。我们没有深潜(scuba diving 就是背着氧气罐那种),领导问我为什么没想到要深潜,我说好像压根儿没想着要深潜。对于以浮潜为主要目的的人来说,心得4:多调查研究B级岛,它的范围可能很广,有几乎归为A级的B级岛,也有差不多归为C级的B级岛(比如回来再查发现另外一个分级把满月岛分为C级),比较尴尬;A级岛虽然没去但是应该没的说,而很多C级岛酒店会因为浮潜环境差而提供每天免费出海浮潜,虽然有局限性但是是免费而且肯定是去环境很好的地方,所以不要着急淘汰C级岛

